Coming Soon!
Topics include: How to get your iPhone, iPad, Calendar to sync up together. Tame your photos. How to organize your home office for your career. Buy all in one printer.
- Mac Desktop/Laptop
- iPhone
- iPad
- Address Book/Gmail integration
- iCal
- Maps
- P/R/video on iPhone/iPad or iCloud/Google Drive/Dropbox
- Browser setup
- Bkup all devices using iTunes/Cloud
- Email sig w/link to EP site, imdbpro, yada
- Email etiquette
- Email – Mark people as Important in your Inbox
- How to submit to actor job from iPhone/iPad while on set
- Iphone Apps
- Find My iPhone app
- Turn off WiFi/Cellular assist
- External power charger for on the set. Almost lost job.
- Overseas options.
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